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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

zach the poo

hi my name is zach and i like uberstrike. I have a small pickle and a big ego. poopi peepee i like greepee. I ALSO LIKE MEN! bye
zach L

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The First Lunar Pioneer

This post is to honor Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. He died a short while ago. Many famous astronauts such as John Glenn and Buzz Aldrin have went to his funeral and mourned for the loss of our hero. "One small step for man, one gient leap for mankind."

Monday, August 20, 2012

The truth about journalists

Two weeks ago, Curiosity Mars Rover landed on the red planet, eager to show Earth all of mars' natural treasures.

1. I ate a banana with cronic depression and died on

2. i sat down at the kitchen table feeling depressed as usual. i looked up and saw natures fruit in a basket. a fruit that was yellow as a sun and so full and rich with potassium. i reached and grabbed my favorite fruit and took a huge bite out of it. it was heavan. all of a sudden, i felt as though my lungs stopped working. i was choking. i made as much noise as i could, hoping to attract attention but no one seemed to hear. i hit the floor and new that these were my last moments on earth. i love bananas.

The Truth: Bobby sat on a chair.

As a Journalist would say it: Bobby has always felt alone and depressed as said by his neighbor and closest friend. he needed something he could lean on/ Something he could depend on. something he could fall on. he needed his chair. But today as he yearned for his expired dog, tootie, he sat down without realizing the chair had shifted a few feet to his right. he fell. he hit his head on the table nearest to him without wearing a helmet.his neighbor found him on the floor screaming with agaony and immideatlety rushed him to a hospital. he died a few hours ago. lets all have a moment of silense for bobby. all he wanted was his chair.

sum: bobby sat down on a char because his dog is dead and the magic chair killed him

World peace.

the leaders of the world gathered in the hall to accept the fact that the world must unite in order to resotre blance to the universe. All the presidents and prime ministers agreed to sign a peace treaty. The French and the Afrians already signed the peace treaty to claim world peace. the american president, Barack Obama walked over to sign the treaty (which would be kept in a glass case in a moderate temperature). he grabbed his pen but all of a sudden the pen slipped from his hand and pierced his fibula. he immidiately dropped to the ground and called for his guards who panicked and started shooting. The Queen of England and the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy got shot by the specially trained guards who guarded the prez with their life. Everyone evacuated the building in fear that their was a plot to bomb the world conference. Later that day France and britain declared war on america and millions were sent to fight. thousands were killed everyday and the war is still waging today.Lets all send a prayer to the troops that were willing to fight for world peace.
stupd pens kill everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!